Friday, 13 January 2012

Respecting the Question: How Does Your Candidate Rate?

One of the marginalizing comments often made about Santorum is that he’s not exciting. Such an assessment comes only from those who haven’t seen see his Iowa victory speech, or any of his 20 minute policy speeches which stir up deep passions in the hearts and moistens the eyes of patriots.

Such a blasé assessment from Santorum critics reflects an expectation of rabble rousing soundbytes when a candidate answers a question. We heard some in the last debate. When Ron Paul was asked if he were responsible for the racist comments in the newsletter edited by him, he converted the question into red meat comments about liberty and the constitution. Perry likewise converted his questions into a launching pad for his pre-rehearsed debate points. Newt is particularly astute in overthrowing questions, and does so with good humor, prompting the notion that he is a great debater. Huntsman was cool and awesome by answering in Chinese.

Romney was brilliant in side stepping Stephanopoulos’ inane question of whether the state has the right to ban contraception. Ultimately, however, he did not answer the question. The reason why Santorum gets these questions ad infinitum is precisely because he respects the question and will answer it fully, without just simply diverting the question to campaign talking points.

Rick Santorum simply answers the question. There is a certain respect that Santorum gives to the question itself, and hence, to the questioner. Instead of steering away from some answer that might lose him a vote here or there, he drives straight into controversy, makes his best argument, and says, “You may not agree with me, but this is what I believe.” And even if he gives you an answer you don’t like, at least he answered your question.

A week or so ago, someone asked Santorum about Social Security. Nothing he said could be reduced to a soundbyte, but his 7 minute reply taught me more about Social Security than I had learned in these many years.

While other candidates depended upon high priced Madison Avenue commercial advertizing in Iowa and New Hampshire, Santorum’s approach was to visit people, give his 20 minute speech, and then engage with them in a 30-40 minute question and answer dialog, precisely because he respects the question and the questioner. This commitment to dialoging with the people reflects an ethos that elitists simply cannot understand or reproduce. After all, so they think, what could they possibly learn from ordinary people?

Campaign managers would say that Santorum’s respect for the question is a liability, a campaign flaw, a lead weight around the candidate’s neck. For my part, this is a flaw that I can live with.

1 comment:

dbond said...

If a person voted/endorsed a candidate based on their knowledge of the candidates and their desires of having a pro-life, pro-family, pro-faith and pro-freedom president, instead of listening to robotic talking heads (ie. the McLaughlin group regulars), the intelligent choice would be Rick Santorum. Why vote for someone that you have to hold your nose to vote for, when you have the best right in front of you? He is not swimming in money like Romney, he needs our aid in funds, in prayer, in promotion with all we come in contact with, by phone/email,whatever way possible! He is the TRUE grassroots presidential candidate, a man who says what he means, and means what he says! Rick Santorum is simply the best all round candidate for president, he can turn the American ship around to lead us away from destruction and kaos, which is where obama is taking us to! go to, send him 100$, 50$, 10$, ANYTHING, and often! and get a yard sign, bumper sticker, and tell all your friends and fam to support him too! It starts with YOU! Don't sit on your fist and lean back on your thumb, hoping for the best but doing nothing to help good along--the only way evil happens is if good people sit by and do nothing. DO SOMETHING! HELP A GOOD MAN WIN THE WHITEHOUSE SO AMERICA CAN WIN! You don't have the right to complain if you are a fatalist and do nothing, saying :"oh, he can't win", with that attitude you are part of the problem!! With that mindset we either get obummer again, or a wishy-washy RINO who buys his way into the office of POTUS. Be smart, help Rick Santorum right now, don't put it off another moment! And pray, pray, pray for Rick Santorum to win, pray for this country to turn it around, and to once again, be One nation under God--begin by being the best person YOU can be, and support the best man God has put before us to choose to be our National Leader. Culture of LIFE:Rick Santorum. Culture of DEATH: Barry Obama, it's that simple.