Friday, 14 November 2008

All is Great in Iraq

Yep, I should have blogged this last week when I first thought about it, and in doing so, people may have concluded that I have the gift of prophecy.

But really, anyone could have predicted it. The mainstream news media will be taking a fresh look at Iraq and begin noticing encouraging signs of peace and stability.

This newfound perspective is not precipitated by anything different on the ground. No, what is different is that the news media does not want the public to divert its attention away from Pres.-elect Obama's domestic agenda with constant reports about how bad things are in Baghdad.

Secondly, the press does not want to give the impression that Pres.-elect Obama is doing anything wrong in regard to the war in Iraq.

And so, this week, the mind-numb reporterbots got the message from above to start reporting good things about Iraq. This is seen dramatically in this headline from the Chicago Tribune: "Iraq Bombings Show Progress, Challenges." The opening lines read,

Today's bombings in Iraq which left dozens dead is a stark and horrible reminder that, while violence has dropped significantly there as a result of the U.S. military's surge, that country is still very dangerous.

It's a measure of progress that today's blasts, which killed at least 31 people in Baghdad and more elsewhere, according to the Associated Press, represented the worst day of violence since June (Chicago Tribune).

Come on! In a Bush-era newsreport, the headline would read something like, "Iraq Bombings Show Continued Failure." The report would then go on to give fodder for the Bush-haters. (Thanks, Rush, for calling attention to this article.)

We should now expect to hear a constant stream of good news about little Iraqi girls going to school for the first time, the financial liquidity of the Iraqi government, the competency of the Iraqi police force, and how Sunnis and Shiites have recently developed such endearing love for one another. Why, I'm looking forward to a Katie Couric interview with some Iraqi woman who has just planted a new flower bed outside her apartment.

This phenomenon will not impact newsmedia only. Indeed, the Democrat politicians will start chanting the same mantra. No doubt, marching orders have already been given: there shall be not a single negative word spoken about Iraq.

Ultimately, the Democrats viewed Iraq merely as a tool to regain power. They magnified every bad report and minimized every positive report for the last six years. They were willing to lose the war in order to regain power.

Now that Democrats have regained power, all is well in Iraq.

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