Thursday 11 December 2008

Why Obama Can't Win on Iran

Sen. Rick Santorum of Ethics and Public Policy Center sends me weekly emails. Here he cites something from one of his colleagues, Peter Wehner, at EPPC explaining why "whatever dreams the president-elect has for charming the Iranian regime out of nuclear capability should die now. Here is an excerpt:"

"The difficult part will come when Obama discovers that (a) the Iranians will not forgo their nuclear ambitions and (b) other nations central to a successful sanctions regime are unwilling to do their part. At that point, Obama–having stated that a nuclear Iran is “unacceptable”–will have to decide if he is a man of his word. If he is, then a conflict might well arise, because it might be the only way to stop Iran. And if he’s not, then a nuclear Iran will make our life, and the lives of our allies in the region, tremendously more complicated. Egypt and Saudi Arabia may soon follow Iran’s lead, and the most volatile area the world will become magnitudes more dangerous."

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