Patriot Voices’
“Our Vision for America”
James M. Leonard, PhD
(part 1 of 6)
I engage in
political writing as a pastor and theologian who has been watching politics
since Nixon resigned, but only in the distress of these last ten years have I felt
compelled to invest myself sacrificially into politics to support this grand
and worthy enterprise known as The American Experiment, an enterprise which is
now very much at risk. I think the American Constitution and Declaration of
Independence were written by men who had a very deep and breathtaking understanding of the
Christian religion and its scriptures, with equal acumen in human nature and national
governance. I fear, however, that most Americans have only a superficial grasp
of the Christian religion and perhaps even less of human nature and principles
of governance. This realization has prompted me to harness the energy of social
media in an effort to disseminate a deep consideration of these issues that are
crucial to our way of life.
In the last two
years, Republicans have been most expert in criticizing the Obama
administration and even in identifying the searing issues. At the Republican
Leadership Conference last weekend in New Orleans, there was no shortage of
candidates capably criticizing Obama and articulating the conservative
Constitutionalist message, while also decrying the Republican Establishment’s
complacency. Such abilities are impressive, but not sufficient to assure
victory. The essential ingredient for victory is the articulation of an inspirational
and encompassing vision, one that addresses the present crisis while fervently
upholding our foundational and guiding principles.
Sen. Santorum’s Patriot
Voices’ “Our Vision for America” qualifies as a vision that speaks to our
present critical need while espousing our core values reflected in the founding
documents. More so, it is a manifesto which drinks deeply from Christianity’s fountain
of knowledge and is not just a thoughtless repetition of run of the mill superficial
Christianity that gets distributed on any given Sunday. Indeed, some of the
statements are difficult and require serious reflection, but in my estimation,
fall in line at all the right places.
The Santorum vision was not written to be red meat offered on the altar of delegate expediency. Nor was it written for those who spend much time
watching Eurovision or The Simpsons reruns. The Vision is written for thoughtful Patriots. Let me
invite you to follow the link to sign on. The country needs you. Patriot Voices' Our Vision for America
This article is the
introduction to what will be a six part commentary. Check back soon.
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