Tuesday, 1 November 2016

You Probably Ought Not Vote if....

You probably ought not vote if…
--you are clueless about Pardongate
--if you think the last impeachment was about Monica Lewinsky
--if your only source of news are the networks, BBC, NPR, Rachel Maddow, Huffington Post, and comedy shows
--if you don’t know how North Korea got their nuclear technology
--if you think that George W. Bush killed more people than Communist regimes or that Saddam Hussein was not involved in international terrorism
--if you don’t know who the Arkansas state Attorney General was when Juanita Broddrick was raped
--if you think that the only black lives that matter are those African Americans killed by white cops
--if you don’t understand how Hillary Clinton’s private server was important for Clinton financial gain
 --if you thought it was a great idea to pressure Mubarak to step down

--if you don’t know WHY Hillary Clinton suggested that the Benghazi disaster was the result of an inflammatory youtube video, or why the U.S. even had personnel in Benghazi when all other allies had al
ready abandoned the city, or how Clinton friend Sydney Blumenthal’s financial partnership with a pro-Clinton non-profit factored into it all